From here I can see Ireland's Eye

Stuff - you know... really I should just write down in a diary and burn it...

Friday, October 07, 2005

Damm him and his Obsession...

Ok, now, I've freshened up the look of the Blog, I've added the most ingenious tool known to man, or blogger, the Site Meter... All I have to do is post words of genius...


I watched what may well be my favourite movie tonight - after Magnolia, I think...

Mad Dog & Glory... It contains, 4 of my favourite actors... Bill Murray, Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman and David Caruso... And it also contains, I have to admit, what may be one of the most realistic sex scenes in any movie...

None of these things are why I love it though...

It's just a perfectly told, understated story...

If I could write even one story, movie, whatever, as well as that, I'd die happy...

The answer I suspect is practice, practice, practice...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Wow, the pressure is mounting...

Tonight I'm getting texts from that Blogressive individual telling me that someone on the Naas Rd read not only my blog, but also linked to his blog... He, more Blogsessive, then Blogressive, in truth is Rick

Anyway, enough about that technologically obsessive nonsense, although in truth, some nice use of ridiculous pictures on his blogs...

Which reminds me - I must post a few more pictures...

That is one from Sardinia...
I've been waiting for some time to see it... I know it's coming...

The interminable Sky News polls...

"That's right Jeremy, here's today's hot topic...

Have you ever taken part in a pointless text poll?

Just text Yes now to 55555 or No to 55555 texts cost what seems like a small amount of money, but considering we have so many idiots glued to the screen itching for a chance to send a text you'd be suprised how much we make even after the operators take their 50% cut...

And best of all, it looks like news...

We're back with a complete non story about a kangaroo - after the break...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

So much then for the battle between Quality and Quantity...

I'm being embarassed into posting more often... Thanks to fellow blogger and possible Blog-Bully or even Blogsessive - Rick O'Shea

Anyway, Happy Birthday to me...

So, I've covered most of the crimes in the Blogging World in one 60 word post... Bad puns about the word Blog, self referential, irrelevant personal details... Well worth the effort

I'm tempted to leave it at that...