From here I can see Ireland's Eye

Stuff - you know... really I should just write down in a diary and burn it...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Oy, apparently it's inappropriate for your blog to act as a kind of community newsletter for your social circle...


Anyway, no health updates, well not in detail this evening... Apart from the fact that the contact lens in my right eye is becoming very annoying, my eyes hurt and i keep wanting to rub / scratch them... For information on why this might be you'll have to scroll down the page...

Now, I was thinking, about blogging... And I must just recommend the front page of Irish blogs from this evening at about 10.40pm - there is a fine and entirely random snapshot of ireland's blogging community....

But, is there any point? I mean really... I certainly enjoy it and I know some people now get serious levels of traffic - but what is the point?

Is it like my own community newsletter? If so, what does my one, unknown reader in texas make of it? Is it my window on the world, a chance to make and break global opinion, one rant at a time? That reminds me of the story about how long time takes - you know the one about how if a bird landed on Ayers Rock once a year and sharpened its beak - it would take shit loads of time before the rock wore away and thats only a fraction of the time you could be on hold to Eircom, talking to that stupid voice recognition computer who gets all lippy if you don't speak clearly... or whatever the point of the story was...

How in God's name am I supposed to catch up on all the good and bad blogs being written right now? How can I ever find them in amongst the Knitting Blog, the Sewing Blog, the underwater turnip blog, the high end computer tech tulip blog etc...

In the meantime, it's hard to see the screen so I have to go find the eye drops again...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Hello again...

So, I survived the laser eye surgery... I can hear the gasps of relief sweep through the blogging world... the thought of my patchy and unpredictable ramblings having to be dictated to some hapless intern obviously would horrify the gentlest of hearts...

Let me immeadiately explain, that surviving laser surgery is not in itself an achievement as I believe the last person to come close to death during laser surgery was Sean Connery in that movie, it was a Bond, but I can't remember which one...

Anyway, you get the point - it's not like I had a heart transplantectomy or whatever...

So, my current situation is as follows...

Vision... intermittently fogggy in right eye, like vaseline smeared on your glasses... some double vision... left eye pretty good... In short, I will be able to see pretty well soon - but in the meantime, I must add eye drops with the regularity of a bad actor in a Hallmark movie...

It turns out I had some kind of unique soft cornea / underdevolped ethroetrimesismsiaimas muscle... (some terms may be made up)... this will delay my recovery somewhat...

In the meantime, I'm sporting sunglasses at night and mopping up excess sympathy like it was going out of fashion...

I've said enough for now... Except to remark that this time next week, this whole Christmas lark will be over and all those people rushing up and down Grafton Street today are going to go "what the hell was so important?" - either that or they'll be queuing outside Budget travel to get a fiver off a trip in a crappy overfull jet plane to Craperola or somewhere else in the Canaries...