From here I can see Ireland's Eye

Stuff - you know... really I should just write down in a diary and burn it...

Friday, February 17, 2006

Apparently my last post was on Valentine's Day... how sweet...

Anyway, I return with some more gems from my spambox...

This one shows particular attention to detail in the addressing, like those cvs I get sent, entitled, "Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to be a journalist..." Good God people, if you want to be a journalist the least you could do is find out if I'm either

a) Sir


b) Madam

I can only imagine what good you'd be on some big investigation... "Em, he might have murdered her... or maybe not, or maybe she murdered him..."

When can you start?

Anyway, back to the spam... Enjoy

Date Sent: 16 Feb 2006 11:19

Subject: hello dear,

hello dear,
my name is mr david XXXXX from cote d'ivoire.i have a business proposal which i would want you to help me carry out. you can contact me back at ( that i will give you the full details.
expecting to hear from you.
best regards from

No, dear... Thanks

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I am increasingly fascinated by the spam that floats through my mailbox... I have shared some of it here...

There seem to be four or five fairly definite strands that I attract...

1) The ever hopeful, tragic near millionaires who just need my bank details
2) Slightly odd emails offering advice on the stock market, full of poor grammar and punctuation
3) Medical supplies... of one particular type... yes... hmm
4) Odd, personal ad type emails from people who really, really want to be my friend...
5) Email from my bank / credit card company...

The funniest thing is when you bounce from hotmail account to hotmail account and see the identical mail in each junk mail folder... The question is I suppose, who clicks on these things? And why?

Take this one... Apparently from my credit card company...

Good afternoon, unfortunately some processings have been cracked by hackers,
so a new secure code to protect your data has been introduced by XXXX.

You should check your card balance and in case of suspicious transactions immediately contact your card
issuing bank.

If all transactions are alright, it doesn't mean the card is not lost and cannot be used. Probably, your card
issuers have not updated information yet.
That is why we strongly recommend you to visit our web-site and update your profile, otherwise we cannot
guarantee stolen money repayment.
Thank you for your attention.

Again, outstanding use of English... I was completely convinced... Have you ever clicked on these things?

Now, that I think about, a former associate of mine did once open an email promising a holiday to the Carribean... She was so excited by the free holiday, that she gave her credit card details to them and ran up $800 worth of tiny little extras...

So, maybe I do know what kind of people click on these things...