From here I can see Ireland's Eye

Stuff - you know... really I should just write down in a diary and burn it...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

What is the point of having a blog?

I'm hardly improving the world's store of great literature... It's not like hundreds of people rush to check my daily output... Firstly, it's never daily... more like twice monthly... Secondly who the heck cares what I think about whatever the hell happened...

"Oh look, a three page post on how he stubbed his toe and how they should make wardrobes with rounded corners and some preliminary sketches of wardrobes with rounded corners... Let me get a cup of coffee this is going to be good..."

No, it doesn't work that way... although I'm pretty sure the one person who does read this blog is scratching their head right now and saying, "Why couldn't wardrobes have rounded corners?"

Two options then...

1) Shut down the blog and stope messing around pretending I write stuff

2) Carry on regardless and hope that the effort of writing at least something once in a while will keep my brain working and force me to ask myself some questions...


2 I think...

So, seriously, what is it with wardrobes and sharp corners?