From here I can see Ireland's Eye

Stuff - you know... really I should just write down in a diary and burn it...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

So, sometimes I think I made a fundamental error with this Blog.

The fundamental error?

Telling anyone about it.

I think thats the challenge really as a Blogger - you've chosen to become a self published author, one of an army of ten million or twenty million or whatever number - but are you prepared to let the quality of your writing stand on its own two feet?

Do you believe that what you're writing is good enough, compelling enough and unique enough to stand out?

To let someone discover it and tell a friend, to experience that real time, human chain reaction?

Or are you like me? a weak willed egocentric human being who has no great story to tell and hopes to compensate for the lack of original and compelling stories by telling your friends about it and getting linked on other blogs?

It's a cheap thrill...

And worst of all - if you ever did have great stories perched in the darkest part of your soul, you can't get over the thought of people involved in the story reading it...

Really, this is where I secretly start another blog and tell the real stories in my head...

or maybe not...



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