From here I can see Ireland's Eye

Stuff - you know... really I should just write down in a diary and burn it...

Friday, January 21, 2005

Have I mentioned how much I love my Ipod?

Well actually not so much the Ipod as Itunes...

Having all my favourite music - 3.3 days of it at the last count on my PC is just fantastic

And setting it to shuffle while I surf the internet, write, read or play stupid games is so soothing...

I love the suprise factor - almost every song is good and the occasional stupid song can be quickly deleted

Last three were Cocteau Twins, Zero 7 and then The Cure - now Radiohead Street Spirit has just started... I think it is the suprise of the unfamilair combined with the love of the songs that captures my imagination...

I'm also always aware with the radio of what song this is or where it is or why they're playing it - this relieves me of that constant thought process...

Well done Apple!


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