From here I can see Ireland's Eye

Stuff - you know... really I should just write down in a diary and burn it...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Apologies for the brief despondency of the last post... not the somber piece of music played at military events - but rather my last post on the blog...

Somewhat lacking in Christmas cheer I was...

Anyway, here's part of the reason... The old laser eye surgery has proved to be slightly complicated in the right eye as detailed previously (somewhere down the page) In fact I have had real problems with my right eye drying out overnight on three seperate occasions...

The last of these was last night - which led to a very uncomfortable nights sleep - and some seriously uncoordinated vision this morning...

The long term picture is still rosy, if a little blurry right now... So, hence a paucity of posting...

Anyway, my left eye has now got 20 /20 vision... hurray...

And hopefully with some special gel, an eyepatch and some medical tape - which I now have to apply to myself (trickier than you would think) I will have a relatively rested and em, moist right eye in the morning... Wish me luck!


  • At 9:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    OH. Thank goodness that was cleared up. My Dublin sweetie, I thought you were becoming a green grinch. Glad to hear that your eyes...well at least one of them is 20/20. The other one will come around. In the meantime, apply your medication, cover up and make it a movie night. Perhaps "Pirates of the Caribbean"...


  • At 10:44 p.m., Blogger Rick O'Shea said…

    Capn. Liam... What I wouldn't give to see that..... Arrrrrr!


  • At 10:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cheers on what I HOPE will be great vision for both your eyes. I fear any intrusive eye procedures. My glasses have served me well for may years without a change. Is it okay to post a comment on the wondrous photos of Amsterdam, altho I may be out of sequence here. Praying now for a grand outcome on your eyes.


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